Upcoming Events
March Book Club
Book: On A Sunbeam
By: Tillie Walden
Wednesday, March 19th
@ The Keene Public Library
Snacks and craft materials provided!
KPY March Meeting
Wednesday, March 26th
Keene Family YMCA
The Hangout
All LGBTQ+ teens (11-18yrs) are welcome to pop in monthly to connect with their peers, plan events, and hangout! This week we will be meeting at the new space at the Y for teens for some ESports and Karaoke!
April Book Club
Book: The Sunbearer Trials
By: Aiden Thomas
Wednesday, April 23rd
@ The Keene Public Library
Snacks and craft materials provided!
May Book Club
Book: Death’s Country
By: R.M. Romero
Wednesday, May 21st
@ The Keene Public Library
Snacks and craft materials provided!
The mission of Keene Pride Youth is to create safe spaces for conversation, acceptance and community among queer youth, with events that foster connection, growth and understanding between queer youth the ages of 11-17 years old and their peers.